Berta López Soto de Prado

My name is Berta, I am a fortunate married woman and mother of three wonderful children. Twelve years ago, there was a crucial turning point in my life, when for professional reasons, we moved to San Diego (USA). What we thought was going to be a stay for three years, turned out to be an 11-year adventure!

From San Diego we moved to Boston, and from there to Rome, to end up back in Madrid.

This journey resulted in multiple moves in a few years, which required an intensive search for the ideal house to live in each place.

This involved complicated logistics: traveling to the destination, organizing the children in the place of origin with friends to help you, staying in a hotel for a week, arranging plane tickets, accommodation, and meals, and spending a lot of money to find the ideal house in record time. Then, signing a contract in accordance with the local laws, including some unfair clauses for us as tenants.

We achieve your wish with a careful management so that you can make the decisions from your place of origin,
with total peace of mind.

As a result of my life experience, and my financial know-how, acquired while working in mortgage financing for 15 years, I considered doing this work for third parties in a similar situation, i.e., to help them find the house they like the most, adapted to their budget and doing it in a professional manner, compliant with national and regional legislation and taxation.

To do this work in an optimal way, it is necessary to know very well the city where you want to invest, Madrid, how its real estate market works, and in which areas it is convenient to carry out the search to get the most interesting investment in each moment and situation.

Since I have been at “both sides of the table”, as a potential buyer and tenant, and as an owner selling and renting properties , I acquired a unique experience, which helps me provide the most advantageous deal for my client.

The goal of Quinta María Real Estate

We look for investment options

We send you videos of the interior and exterior of the property so that you can make a better decision.

We process the purchase with the legal and fiscal team.

We carry out all the necessary legal and tax formalities and if you need mortgage financing, we help you select the most beneficial one.

We help you make your investment profitable.

After the acquisition, we work on remodeling the property and, if you are interested, we look for the perfect tenant.

We help you with your investment in Madrid

Contact Quinta María Real Estate and we will make your investment a reality with the best criteria and a totally personalized service.